Sunday, April 14, 2019


     Before I make the last couple of posts featuring the finished components in my portfolio, I want to review some of the technology I utilized after creating my CCR which was missed from the video as well as any changes I made to the social media/website that I was unable to talk about.
     First, I would like to thank Screencast-O-Matic for being the software I used to screen record the website and social media sites on my computer so that I could feature them in the CCR. I wanted to display how I created a sense of branding and how I crafted a product that would engage with the audience adequately. A change I want to note is the new profile pictures I added to the series’ Facebook and Twitter. I believe the choice is clever because it propels the tree forward as the icon representing the whole docuseries rather than having an image from the website be the profile pictures.

     Second, I never mentioned that I would use my phone as the recording device for the bits of audio I created for the narration in the piece. I have an iPhone 8 and used Apple’s audio recording app to capture all my words. 
     As for technology I used and mentioned in the CCR, the list includes: 
-Filmora Wondershare
-Wix website maker
-Canon EOS Rebel T6

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Final Components

Here are the final products for my portfolio: http...