Today I focused
on finishing the organization/script for when I edit on Wondershare Filmora
tomorrow. I expect the bulk of the extended episode to be completed by the end
of Friday. Some concerns I have include the piece being way too long, the piece
being boring, and not having enough B-roll footage to cover for the narration
portions as well as portions of the interview. Below is a sample of the much
longer script/plan:
M: “Since the first time…. Up until Carlos”
L: Martha refrained from moving to
the United States so that her first son, Carlos, could finish his primary
studies in Colombia. (Images of Carlos and Martha when they were younger)
M: “That was one of the last things keeping me from the US,
after that we started planning..”
L: Martha, despite having the
majority of her family in Colombia, was happy finally moving to the United
States year 2000 with Carlos and her partner at the time, Pedro. (Images
in the United States)
M: Nosotros llegamos… (min 1:06)
L: Aside from purchasing a house and
a car, Martha and her family sought to establish themselves legally as well.
Martha took several steps to become an American, some of which led to
unfortunate circumstances.
M: Telling up until question of residency
L: Thankfully for Martha, those 90
days didn’t result in disaster. But the fear she felt would stay with her for a
M: Feelings of terror towards 90 days
L: Martha’s technique avoided a
potentially perilous confrontation, eventually leading to a safe acquisition of
her residency and citizenship in the decade that followed. Meanwhile, Martha
remained unemployed until 2008, relying on capital she received from a company
she co-founded in Colombia. In this time, Martha was able to focus on her
children’s educations.
M: going to all events at the schools, speaking about
I’ll see you guys
again tomorrow. I’m unsure what I’ll be posting about yet, so I guess that will
remain a surprise for the both of us till then!