Friday, March 15, 2019

About Last Night...

     Yesterday was dedicated to filming my mom in her "natural habitat" as much as I could. I have updated my chart with the footage I've taken as well as the footage that I have decided is either nonessential or cannot be collected. 
Footage Collected
Mother’s Room
-Images from photo albums (B-Roll + accompanying past talk)
-Mom getting ready for work (B-Roll + accompanying routine talk)
-Mom relaxing with Candy (B-Roll)
-Mom sleeping (B-Roll)
Outside Mother’s Home/Her Neighborhood
-Interview with mom on front porch
-Time lapse of house as the sun is setting (transition between day and night)
-Mom walking Candy (B-Roll)
Cypress Bay High School, Imagine Charter School
-Images of Cypress (B-Roll + accompanying sons’ education talk)
-Images of Imagine (B-Roll + accompanying Lau’s primary education talk)
-Mom working on shelves (B-Roll)
-Images of the store, both inside and out (B-Roll)

Deleted Footage/Footage I Couldn’t Capture:
-Mom during her lunch break (B-Roll)
-Sped up POV tour of the store (B-Roll)
-Time lapse of store as the sun is rising (transition between night and morning)
-Images of old home (B-Roll + accompanying talk about old house)

     There were two conditions I was given by the manager at Walmart when I was filming last night and those are that 1) no one other than my mother or coworker that has expressed consent can be included in the footage and 2) private spaces like the store's storage facility and their lunch room would remain out of the film. This is why I avoided making a sped up POV tour of the store and filming my mom during her lunch break. I was also unable to capture the time lapse of the store as the sun was rising because I had to get to school at a certain time, which is when the sun was set to rise. Additionally, I'll refrain from going to my old house to take videos since that is, you know, no longer my property and I was able to get that footage from pictures in our photo albums. I'd also argue that this is a better option than footage of the house's current state since we will be speaking of that house in the past tense. Today I will be conducting the interview with my mom and capturing more B-Roll footage at my mom's house. Below is an updated version of my checklist. 

March 10th: Documentary Planning Due 

March 11th-14th: Gathering B-Roll footage, Start Poster Details 
March 14th: Shooting at Walmart 
March 15th: Interview with Martha 
March 17th: First Poster Draft Due  
March 19th: Reshooting (if needed: most likely not needed as of now)  
March 24th: First Draft of 5 Min Excerpt Due, Final Poster Due 
March 31st: Final Draft of Excerpt Due, Website Complete
April 7th: Rough Draft of CCR
April 12th: Final Draft CCR
April 14th: Full Project Due 

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